Sharing Wisdom
Women’s Forum is a program designed for women to promote cultural and intellectual growth.
At luncheon events (featuring documentaries, feature films and lecturers) and on cultural expeditions to museums and historical sites our aim is to experience and learn from the worlds of literature, fine art, history, current events and pop culture.
This year (our eighth) we established a program of discussion panels, garnering participants from within our own ranks to discuss topics such as volunteerism, writing poetry, careers in the field of mental health, careers in the fine and graphic arts.
And, we have added book discussions with our In-Depth series which we hold periodically for another dimension to our quest for learning.
Enrollment approaches 400 and every month we are happy to welcome new members.
Our motto and mission of Sharing Wisdom in a spirit of camaraderie remains strong as it defines our goal at Women’s Forum.