Membership and Loans
Membership: Free if you live, work or go to school in Bedminster or Far Hills. Come by the library for your card which is good for 3 years at which time it must be renewed. Nonresident memberships are $50 annually, discounted 50% for seniors 62 years and up.
Loans & Limits: All books, magazines and CDs have a 14 day loan period. DVD videos are loaned for 7 days. Museum Passes and Hotspsots have their own lending policies. Please visit the homepage of the library for details.
Fines: 10 cents per day per item except for DVD videos which are one dollar per item per day. Patrons who do not return materials are expected to pay the accumulated fines and item’s replacement cost.
Reserves: Members may reserve items which must be picked up within 3 days of notification or the item will be given to the next person in line or returned to the shelves.
Interlibrary loans: Members may request items from other libraries. As with Reserves, come by or call 908-234-2325 ext. 0 or email
Renewals and Holds: Items(except DVDs) may be renewed for up to two additional loan periods unless another library patron has placed a hold request on the item or the item is in interlibrary loan. DVDs may be renewed once for another 7 days. To renew or place a hold do any of the following:
- Call (908) 234-2325 ext. 0
- Email
- Log into your account online and follow the prompts
- Questions or need help? Ask a librarian at
Code of Conduct
UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR on the Library premises includes but is not limited to:
- Any activity that constitutes a violation of federal, state, or local criminal statutes or ordinances
- Harassment, use of abusive or threatening language or threatening gestures, unwanted physical contact or other inappropriate actions
- Following or staring at others with intent or effect to annoy
- Damage, defacement, or theft of any library property or material
- Possession, distribution, or use of alcohol, except at authorized library events
- Possession, distribution, or use of controlled substances
- Unreasonable noise levels including shouting, loud talking or disruptive conversations in person or on cell phones
- Solicitations, petitions or canvassing in the Library or on Library premises
- Bringing animals into the Library, with the exception of service animals or those allowed at a library-approved event
- Lack of personal hygiene that interferes with the use of and enjoyment of the Library by others
- Use of electronic equipment at a volume that disturbs others
- Leaving children or adults who are in need of supervision unattended
- Inappropriate use of the elevator
- Soliciting or panhandling
- Carrying a weapon into the Library, unless authorized by law
In the case of a lesser violation of these rules, in the judgement of a staff member, the offender will receive up to two verbal warnings. At the third offense, the patron must leave the Library for the remainder of the day and evening.
In the case of any misconduct that is extreme, in the judgement of a staff member, the offender may be ordered to leave the premises and potentially, by order of the Library Board of Trustees, be barred permanently from future use of the Library facilities, including the outside premises.